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Brainstorm wins again at BLOGON UK

Great to receive lots more awards at BLOGON UK.  Our brand new Outdoor Adventure Metal Detector won gold in the Outdoor category, whilst EUGY came 2nd in collectibles, Water Art got bronze in Creativity and Crafts and Sensory Shakers also bronze in the Sensory category. A great show to see kids hands on with the products.  Read more about it here as published by Toy World.

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Brainstorm wins again!

This time our Sales and Marketing Director Nick Saunders has been awarded the ‘Friends of Toymaster’ Award at the annual May show.  Paul Reader presented the award and commented that Nick goes above and beyond to support Toymaster and the Independent sector.  Read more about it here as published in Toy World.

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Amazing NEW Water Art launched at Toy Fair

We were delighted to launch the fantastic new Water Art line at Toy Fair.  Visitors to our stand were amazed with the magical water creations from this unique crafting activity.  The fun sensory toy encourages kids to use their own imagination as well as getting creative.  Read more about it here as published in Toy World.

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Brand NEW craft line Create N Colour

Brainstorm is excited to launch the brand new eco-friendly craft line Create N Colour at Toy Fair.  Construct your own cute 3D models with an added wow factor. Build the sustainably sourced wood models then paint with water using the refillable water brush provided. Sit back and watch the colourful design magically appear. Let it dry and paint again and again.  Read more about it here as featured in Toy World.

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EUGY reaches £10 million retail sales in the UK since launch

Brainstorm launched the eco-friendly craft brand EUGY in the UK and ROI in 2019 and since then its popularity has grown, reaching £10 million in retail sales this year (2023).  EUGY’s longevity as a staple collectable looks assured due to it’s eco-credentials and the new SKUs consistently added to the range.  Read more about it here as published by Toy World.

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Goodbye and thank you to Rosanne

Brainstorm said goodbye to retiring director Rosanne Kenealy at the end of June.  Rosanne founded Dowling Magnets in 1995 and was a key member of the buyout team in 2003 when the company changed it’s name to Brainstorm.  Rosanne will be very much missed by her colleagues but is wished every happiness in her retirement.  Pictured here with colleague Lucy Preston (on the right) who will be taking over the Product Development role.  Read about it here in Toy World.